Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Make Oakland Better Now

We Fight Blight has been working hard to make North Oakland and South Berkeley a better place to live by focusing on blight, crime, and infrastructure improvements. So it was with much glee that we recently learned about another grassroots effort to Make Oakland Better Now.

Make Oakland better now is committed to improving Oakland by targeting three key areas: (1) public Safety; (2) public infrastructure; and (3) transparency and accountability of Oakland City Government.

These are three key areas that We Fight Blight has advocated for in various forums, public and private. We appreciate the focused and targeted effort--Oakland cannot be all things to all people, particularly in times of limited resources. We would encourage the Make Oakland Better Now effort to include one more item in their platform: Economic development to support the creation and retention of small businesses and revenue generating enterprises.

MOBN is meeting on August 27 at their kickoff meeting at 7:00 pm at St. Theresa's Church, 30 Mandalay Road in Oakland.

Hope to see you there.


Susan said...

hi, can you get in touch, would like to talk..susan

zach said...

Go back to walnut creek, yuppy