During the past several weeks, there has been a concerted effort in the North Oakland neighborhoods bordering Berkeley (bounded by the Berkeley/Oakland border, Telegraph Avenue, Martin Luther King Jr. Way/Adeline, and 59th Street) to identify and remove abandoned and inoperable vehicles. The City of Oakland Abandoned Auto Detail has responded admirably tagging and removing vehicles with a tremendous amount of professionalism and efficiency. So far 54 vehicles have been identified by members of the community as being abandoned or inoperable with the vast majority being on private property. Of the 54 vehicles 18 have been removed voluntarily or towed by the City of Oakland Abandoned Auto Detail. In some cases, tagging the vehicle was enough incentive for the property owners to repair the vehicles and return them to an operable status.
People often ask why is it important to remove abandoned/inoperable vehicles. Well, such vehicles contribute to the overall negative appearance of a community, creating a sense of abandonment and blight. In some cases, the vehicles can create a safety problem for curious children and pets. In other cases, the vehicles may be leaking oil, gas, brake or cooling fluids resulting in small, but significant hazardous materials spills. When abandoned or inoperable vehicles are stacked in a person's driveway, it eliminates off-street parking options and puts greater pressure for on-street parking spaces. Bottom line, it is against the law to maintain an abandoned or inoperable vehicle on public or private property. When you see abandoned/inoperable vehicles please do your neighborhood a service and report them.
In Oakland you can report Abandoned/Inoperable Vehicles to: Abandoned/Inoperable Autos on Private Property at 510-777-8538 Abandoned/Inoperable Autos on Public Streets at 510-777-8622 or 510-238-6030
In Berkeley you can reportAbandoned and Inoperable Vehicles to: Environmental Health at (510) 981-5310 and TDD (510) 981-6903, or send email to envhealth@ci.berkeley.ca.us.
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